Start with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which is universally loved mostly by Indiana Jones fans. Despite being the second Indiana Jones film released, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a prequel to the original film (set in 193), making it the first in the franchise chronologically. Originally released as Raiders of the Lost Ark, the first Indiana Jones film was later marketed as Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark. You would think that this television series based on the adventures of a young Indiana Jones would be put first chronologically, but the show actually takes place in the 90s, with an elderly Indiana (George Hall) beginning each episode recalling an adventure from his youth.
Harrison Ford even appears in an episode (Young Indiana Jones and the Mystery of the Blues) as Indiana Jones. It does not include TV movies, television series such as The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles or animations such as The Adventures of Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was the second Indiana Jones film released, but it's actually the first in the timeline. But if the arrival of a new Indiana Jones movie has made you want to go over the old ones, you have to figure out how to watch the Indiana Jones movies in the right order.
The original Indiana Jones movie, often referred to simply as Raiders of the Lost Ark (as originally released), is where it all began in Indiana (although it is set in 1936, a year after Temple of Doom). In the definitive Indiana Jones movie, Indiana competes against a group of Nazis to find a religious relic, which would help the Nazis dominate the world.