One of my first favorites is “Why Indiana”, which he wrote with Erik Dylan and Randy Montana. Parker wonders why this girl broke up with him on the phone while he was in an open and lonely place like Indiana, instead of somewhere else, like a crowded bar in San Antonio or in rainy and cold Portland, Oregon.
Why indiana?
One of my first favorites is “Why Indiana”, which he wrote with Erik Dylan and Randy Montana. Parker wonders why this girl broke up with him on the phone while he was in an open and lonely place like Indiana, instead of somewhere else, like a crowded bar in San Antonio or in rainy and cold Portland, Oregon.
Jackson Jeannette05/05/230 minutes 17, seconds read

Jackson Jeannette
Professional food nerd. Certified zombie expert. Hipster-friendly social media specialist. Proud musicaholic. Lifelong travel fanatic. Lifelong zombie trailblazer.